At my practice, it is imperative that every one of my patients experiences each phase of my surgical care. Each stage is explicitly mapped out to ensure your peace of mind, whilst demonstrating the highest form of holistic care. 

My patient-centred framework values prioritizing the patient and their understanding of the journey that they will embark on following the decision to undergo surgery. These subsequent points of care involve key processes and primary care coordination to ensure your safety and desired outcome.


Stage one: Preoperative Care

The moment you book your procedure with my administrator, Nur Salie, your preoperative care begins. This initial stage is referred to as the ‘surgical evaluation process’, where I will initiate a thorough assessment of whether my patients are fit to undergo surgery. Patient frailty evaluations, preventative screenings, identification of major medical conditions, and personalized surgical plans are outlined during this phase.

My patients physiological, physical preparations and medical history are also documented here. This step is mandatory and will be orchestrated regardless of surgical procedure. It is my belief that this comprehensive medical history is vital in ensuring extensive support.

In my experience, I have found that knowledgeable patients ease into the processes a lot quicker than those that overlook this cycle of care. Playing an active role in understanding the actions, roles and nuances of each stage will work to ease your mind and better your understanding of your requested procedure.

Ultimately to warrant well-rounded care I will also require the expertise of my surgical team. Including the nursing staff, anesthesiologist and fellow surgeons. My team will consult on each specific case and evaluate the necessary components needed for your personalized surgical management plan. These critical meetings are intentional, in order to allow my patients to meet, interact and verify the individuals behind their surgery. I often encourage my patients to ask as many questions as they deem necessary during this phase!


Stage two: Postoperative Care

Post-surgery, patients will be taken to our overnight recovery wards at The Cosmetic Surgery Institute (TCSI). At TCSI, recovery is taken just as seriously as the procedure. Our overnight facility offers you a place to recover immediately after surgery in one of our comfortable and beautifully decorated rooms. The proximity to my practice is intentional for around-the-clock care. While this stage is fully dependent on the type of surgery that you have chosen, those needing regular assessment will make use of TCSI. 

The main purpose of postoperative care is for both myself and my team to monitor, assess and document your recovery post-procedure. Bodily systems and their subsequent functioning will be monitored here including your cardiovascular and respiratory processes. This stage also includes wound care and pain supervision and/or management.

Postoperative care is also a dedicated window for me to methodically assess your condition. This is where key problems can be identified and later corrected. Collated trends are then dictated by the team and used at a later stage prior to my decision to discharge.


Stage three: Post-discharge (At-home care)

Prior to discharge, many of my patients ask what the quickest road to recovery and healing entails. While there is no key quick-fix answer, a number of steps can be taken to safeguard this process. At its most fundamental level, the success of your recovery depends on how strictly you follow my instruction. This includes taking all prescribed medication, looking out for possible complications and attending all routine check-ups. 

Although these steps seem obvious, I have found that many patients will follow instructions that they deem necessary and ignore those that they believe do not apply to them. This will influence the outcome of your procedure! Simply put, at-home care success depends on you.

It is also crucial that you familiarize yourself with the following when beginning your post-discharge care:

  1. Make sure to take time out to rest! This is a fundamental stage in recovery, where your body is allowed time to adjust to changes.
  2. Do not drive for the next 24 hours. Your body has undergone a major change and often times strong medications are prescribed following a procedure. This can and will inhibit your ability to drive. Stay safe and opt for a trusted cab service or family/friend that will fetch you from my the TCSI ward.
  3. Your memory and judgment calls might be affected post-surgery. If possible, try to avoid making major decisions during this time.
  4. Alcohol and all tobaccos products should be avoided at this stage until I have given the go-ahead.
  5. Always ensure cleanliness, particularly when handling any incisions post-surgery. This is the best means of prevention when it comes to infection.

It is also important to note that my recovery instructions will differ from patient to patient and varies according to the procedure.


Mappa Travel: The go-to patient coordinator for Dr Sean Moodley

True to my belief in holistic care, Mappa Travel continues to contribute to this effort. Many of my patients travel to Cape Town with the intent of booking one of my procedures. To ensure a comprehensive surgical package, I have acquired the help of Mappa Travel.

Founded by Lies Deneys, this medical tourism agency provides you with an extensive concierge service of the highest standard in conjunction with my surgical work. Each stage of undergoing a surgical or cosmetic procedure will be personally coordinated for your convenience. This value-added service extends from your initial consultation to the day you arrive for your surgery through to the moment that you leave Cape Town.

The arranging of patient accommodation, travel logistics, airport transfers, private chauffeur service and entertainment bookings will be led by the Mappa Travel team. This will help ensure that your entire surgical experience remains seamless, effortless, and most importantly enjoyable. Let their team take care of every detail for you. Simply email Lies on or contact her on +27 (0) 72 483 0777. 

My personal cycle of care has contributed greatly to my development as a plastic surgeon and the success of my practice. Experience exceptional care, seamless processes and the latest surgical techniques by clicking here to get in contact with my team.