For men only plastic surgery - face of man

‘For Men Only’ plastic surgery

Jun 10, 2020

Plastic and cosmetic procedures are increasingly being sought by men and are no longer purely gender based. As explained in our last post, Dr Sean Moodley offers 3 treatments at his private practice, that are designed to address cosmetic issues experienced mainly by male patients. To follow, we will be discussing the three ‘for men only’ plastic surgery procedures: Gynaecomastia (breast reduction), Pectoral Augmentation and Calf Implants.


Gynaecomastia[1] is the enlargement of a man’s breasts and is also the name given to the male breast reduction surgery which is one of the most common cosmetic procedures requested by men, and usually involves removing the tissue in combination with liposuction to contour the area.

This condition could be the result of a hormone imbalance, hormonal changes or hormone therapy, obesity, the use of certain drugs or it could be hereditary. Gynaecomastia can affect one breast (unilateral) or both breasts (bilateral) and could result in emotional or physical discomfort and often low self-esteem. Some may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition. [2]

For men only plastic surgery gynaecomastia

Because of the predominantly hormonal nature of gynaecomastia, the only way to remedy the situation is through breast reduction surgery. No amount of exercise or dieting will address the issue otherwise.

Gynecomastia is characterized by:

  • Excess localized fat
  • Excess glandular tissue development
  • Excess breast skin

A male breast reduction does not necessarily mean you’re only getting a ‘textbook’ gynaecomastia procedure as many patients will also opt for liposuction or contouring of their chest area to achieve desired results.

What’s Involved?

Gynaecomastia surgery involves removing excess breast tissue, thereby flattening and enhancing the chest contours. This can be achieved by using liposuction and/ or in combination with tissue excision and minimal inconspicuous incisions around the areola to remove excess breast tissue.

Gynaecomastia Surgery – LIPOSUCTION

Due to advances in liposuction technology and a wider selection of less invasive techniques, many gynaecomastia cases are being treated by liposuction only. The procedure for treating gynaecomastia with liposuction is typically performed using local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia. It involves a small incision on each side of the chest. Depending on your needs, incisions may be located along a portion of the edge of the areola or within the armpit. Through these incisions, Dr Moodley will remove excess fat and/or glandular tissue, at the same time sculpting a new chest contour that looks natural to your body shape.

The recovery process

The recovery process following liposuction is fairly tolerable. Patients get a compression garment to wear for the first few weeks after surgery. Vigorous exercise is typically off-limits for 3 weeks. Most men return to work or school within several days of the procedure.

Gynaecomastia Surgery – TISSUE EXCISION

More severe cases of gynaecomastia may require surgical tissue excision to achieve optimal results. Additionally, patients who have stretched, sagging skin around the breasts will usually require this approach. Tissue excisions allow Dr Moodley to remove a greater amount of glandular tissue and/or skin that cannot be successfully treated with liposuction alone.

The location and length of the incisions depend on the extent of surgery needed, but are typically located around the edge of the areola (peri-areolar incision) or within the natural creases of the chest. Dr Moodley always takes extra care to place incisions so that the scars are as inconspicuous as possible. More recently he has incorporated radiofrequency technology to tighten and sculpt the skin using BodyTite and Morpheus8.

The recovery process

Male breast reduction with tissue excision is typically performed as an outpatient procedure using general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation. The recovery process is similar to that for liposuction; however, it is common for patients to experience soreness and some swelling. Typically, patients feel ready to return to work within 1 week of surgery, and a gradual return to exercise is usually permitted after 3 weeks.

Pectoral augmentation

Despite committing to exercise and a healthy lifestyle, many men find themselves unable to effectively target specific muscle groups, including their pecs. When genetics come into play, a flatter chest may not have an organic solution, fortunately, there are now more options and the number of men electing to sculpt their upper torso has risen dramatically, even among bodybuilders and men who perform strenuous activities.

One of the lesser known facts about the pectoral augmentation procedure is that implants do not affect continued muscle building – implants are inserted under the pectoralis major, (the large muscles that control the rotation of the arms) without any cuts to the muscular structure. Because there’s no damage, there’s no restriction on strength building.[3]

Male pectoral augmentation is a way for men to create more definition in their upper body. The surgery uses silicone implants to sculpt the size, shape and profile of the chest/pectoral area. The silicone implants are customized to the desire of the patient.

The procedure

Pectoral augmentation requires general anaesthesia, so patients are advised to strictly follow pre-operative instructions. After general anaesthesia has been administered, Dr Moodley will then make a small incision in each armpit through which the implant is inserted.

Dr Moodley has an endoscopic assistance approach to ensure that the pocket is properly placed and that there is absolutely no bleeding. Once the best position is confirmed, the implants are inserted beneath the pectoralis major muscle. Precise location of the pocket ensures no movement of the implants. Dr Moodley will then close the incision and the patient is released into the care of the recovery room nurse, who will monitor the patient until he awakens naturally.

The recovery process

As previously mentioned, the muscle is not cut or damaged in any way and therefore this method shortens recovery time and basically eliminates any loss of strength that might occur if the muscle had to be repaired. Immediately after surgery your chest muscles may feel tight, and you will be sore and stiff. Your incisions will heal in approximately 14 days and the implant healing will be complete in about 6 weeks.

Calf implants

Calf augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of the calves by utilising implants to provide more definition to the calf muscles. This procedure need not only be for cosmetic reasons, but may also improve the physique and self-esteem of those who have deformities due to injuries or illness.

No matter how much weight training and exercise, several factors such as our genetics can limit the amount of muscle we are able to build. Even intense bodybuilding cannot guarantee we will have the muscle definition and physique we desire. As a result, calf augmentation is one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgeries among men as it creates more symmetrical legs that look completely natural.


For men only plastic surgeryThe procedure & recovery

The procedure includes using solid silicone inserts to create larger, natural looking calves. In most cases, calf augmentation is used for cosmetic reasons, however in people with a shrunken lower leg, as a result of injury or illness, an implant can be inserted to restore balance.  Dr Moodley will start by evaluating if his patient is a good candidate for calf implants.

Calf augmentation is a low risk day procedure that requires general anaesthesia. Dr Moodley will make a small incision in the crease at the back of your knee to perform the surgery as this is where the scar will be less noticeable. The surgery takes on average two hours to complete and most patients resume their normal routine approximately ten days after the procedure.

The benefits of calf augmentation

Patients experience several physical and psychological benefits from electing a calf augmentation.  Deformities and injuries that cause malformed or sunken calves can be very distressing, uncomfortable and possibly increase negative self-consciousness. Some patients want more balanced legs to match their upper body, while others may want more defined calves. Calf augmentation surgery can give you the legs you want without looking unnatural and also the confidence needed to feel good about exposing your legs in public.

Am I the right candidate?

Are you wondering if you are the right candidate for any of the above mentioned procedures? Do you have more in depth questions about these ‘for men only’ surgeries?

The easiest way to find out and get the answers is by scheduling an appointment with Dr Sean Moodley who is looking forward to meeting you, answering your questions and welcoming you to his practice.







Kind regards,